Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Innocent or fools?

Our nation happens to have short memory, short temper, love to experiment on the new faces, make decisions on adhoc basis, our political maturity is zero, our nation’s social education, is sociology disintegrated, we only live in today never even think for our upcoming generation, their future, never try to pluck the thorns from the ways of our next generation. Pertaining to this, the biggest example is the decision on OGRA price control on weekly basis. All the news papers said it’s the gift of eid by Supreme Court to the nation. Our country men are very happy, but they can’t realize that the basic necessity is not CNG, unfortunately, the point still stands asking that why diesel prices have not been cut down to benefit the masses directly during heavy transportation we can’t even try to understand that in our country the production of natural Gas is reduces day by day, we are unable to explore new reservoirs, we even don’t have the modern resources, equipment to dig the reservoirs. We don’t have enough economic and diplomatic resources to take gas pipeline in our country to meet the daily usage in the state.
In this decision no one take care of a common domestic user of Natural gas even, in our urban cities and mega city Lahore faces scarcity of natural gas without distinguishing season of winter or summer. Are they not the citizen of Pakistan or our state priority is to deliver this natural gas to vehicle user, may be this is according to the constitution of Pakistan?. Due to unchanged in the prices of Petrol and diesel is the main and basic ingredient for putting burden on the Pakistani in shape of price hick of daily utilities. These decisions showed that unfortunately the justice system also have no ability to make such kind of decisions which not only benefit it but also securing future. Unfortunately the decisions are influenced by the public stance; they are made neither only on the logics nor on the ground realities.
If we compare that how many CNG vehicles are in Pakistan according to, “Malik Khuda Baksh, President CNG Owners Association said country has shown an extra-ordinary growth of 5.5 million vehicles in the last seven months of the current year as the number of CNG-run vehicles stood at 10.5 million at the beginning of the year.”  The domestic users of Gas are far more then the vehicles. And the home users are the oldest user of SNGPL, why the consumer rights of domestic users are not kept in mind during this decision.  With the help of this decision indirectly the hands of government are strengthened, because honorable Supreme Court seems to have justified cut on the prices of petrol and diesel also, like on CNG. But according to their decision the price of petrol and diesel will remain unchanged on its current position for a month, the honorable Supreme Court aided by official Government. This is written on the wall the government gets more than 20 rupee per liter profit which is undue and unlawful. Nobody pays attention towards this unjust decision.
CJ proudly did all this and make those decision with which he limelight him in the news or discussable issue every ware. Why he does not understand the ground realities of the country, from the decision, the torture still burdenizes every common man, why he didn’t put the persons behind the bars who develop all this project because why they never estimate or calculate that how much CNG vehicles Pakistan required, are we able to meet the target easily, conditions of our reservoirs of gas the exploration of new reservoirs, those project developers didn’t think about home users even a single time. I think that they are only want to achieve the target that our country Pakistan has become the country with the highest number of CNG-run vehicles in the world, which we achieved, now we are going for the new target and this is the highest population found in a queue on CNG stations and in search of CNG, for heaven sake don’t humiliate your nation with your decisions.
Not a single person said that not even an analyst that kindly do something to ensure the availability of GAS for domestic user, make a cut on the price of diesel and petrol, I am astonished that no one know not CJ nor analyst and not also a single person in the nation that our fields are plow by tractor and it used Diesel, the tube wells used for irrigation all are on Diesel, like this many more things are on Diesel, even our many power (electricity) production houses are on Fuel. If our so called sympathetic judiciary or supreme court or CJ have any relation with the citizen of this country then they make the decision other type with this decision I think they are also part and parcel of bad governance which I never expect from CJ, this is outrageous for me that in Sargodha I try to find CJ but I found only a politician who address with his election campaign and with a public gathering in which he claim that the lawyers are the saviors of the constitution. I guess that he must visit lower court he must inform about the corruption of lower courts, the young blood who were very active in restoration of judiciary are now on magistrate level in compensation of participation in that movement. I must request that Mr. CJ kindly pay some attention towards this judiciary the only hope for a common man. Which should  not be shattered. 
Khurram Awan
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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Operation is the only Solution?

We are very much expert to disgrace our self, in case of malala now our civil and military higher officials decided to make operation in South Waziristan, how much shameful for us that we intend to exploit others, we do not muster courage to announce decision to nation. In south Waziristan operation we repeat the same habit that we use malala that due to this incident we are going to do the operation, with this thing we put malala character under a big question mark, that this thing is a drama which is staged by some super powers for this operation, she is the character of the drama, she is nothing, don’t worry about her, she is not positive character girl, his father is agent. Our higher authorities failed to convey that wether operation is legitimate or not, are we justified in it or not, like they failed to protect their citizen for internal threat, like they failed to establish the writ of government in some areas of the country. We are going to take another wrong decision, on wrong time, for wrong results.
Now we look into the area of South Waziristan, total area of this agency is 6619 km, population (as of 1998) of this area is 429841, ruling tribe is wazir, and it has 2 head quarters in winter Tank and in summer Wana. The race of wazir is warriors, they repel all the time the invasion of the out sides the religious factor is dominant they are traditionally conservative the practical implementation of the laws of Government of Pakistan do not exist. They have their jirga system, the way to reach to South Waziristan is from D.I.Khan, tank, if we start this war or operation we disturb the more settled areas of the country, the Taliban’s move in the disguise of common man in the settled areas and start rebellious activities which challenge the writ of the government also. Is Pakistan able to handle this kind of situation, or after this operation we are going to start operation in our settled areas which shatter our economy our security and our sovereignty, are we able to handle this kind of challenge. Why every time we and our establishment capture by the hawks in every decision of our country we only show the time pass theory.
President Asif Ali Zardari also said that those who give us suggestion they must keep in mind that without consensus this operation cannot launched without vested interests of Pakistan. He is right but we must pay attention that who was those who suggested operation in South Waziristan. Whether they try to watch interest of Pakistan or others?. Why we never try to engage the tribal lords into the political process?, why we fail to bargain with them?, why we don’t try to implement rule of law in these areas?, why chief justice do not take the suomoto action and make a judicial system for them or sharia courts, and bound government to establish and operationalize these courts, why don’t we invite them to sit on the table and ensure them that Pakistan is also their country, they are also respectable citizen of this country. This surely will eliminate the non state actors by these lords from the society.
Some of my readers question that the drone attacks are the big reason for their changed attitude, my answer is that in 1994, there was no drone attack, even then why did Mullah Fazl-ullah at this time challenge the writ of government. And no one from so called civil society react and say a single word, when Taliban break and breach the pacts with the government, why our right wing remains hushed, why they didn’t play a role to sit with the tribal men and pay their attention towards sensitivity of breaching pacts. 
I request to Molana Fazl-ur-Rehman that he is a national leader he is respectable for us, he claims that he knows the pulse of the area, the people he should play the role in it, he should request tribal elders to stop the non state activities and push the elements back to their origin. He compels them that there is no need of armed jihad in Pakistan, in Pakistan you have right to say everything if your basic rights are safe and if you want to do something for people then jihad is not the way the way is process political process come into it and change the system, because with this kind of jihad, these Taliban killed their own Muslim brothers and sisters.
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Friday, October 12, 2012


It was very heart shattering news to hear about sad incident of swat school van which hit of Malala Yousaf Zai alongwith other daughters of nation, unfortunately the culprits searched malala and put her out of the school van and shoot her, the bullet travel from her head to shoulder, there was 3 hour operation which is a successful operation according to doctors, but malala is still semi conscious condition. May Allah she gets well soon. In all this thing Taliban owned the responsibility of Malala incident, i want to ask whether they Talibanor Jahilan (ignorant people), they are so week that they are so much afraid from a girl, is this called shariat?, they deserve what kind of treatment, for whom they work for, this incident deliberately happened to justify drones?. For finding the answers of these questions I have analysed the some incidents.

Imran Khan makes a very good effort in shape of Waziristan Aman March, it highlighted the issue but Khan Sahib said that it is the necesacity of time that the drone should stop, we want to handle these Talibans by our self with our ways, vary right, I want to ask khan sahib sawat is a settled area and army operation had been launched, how do you see that how Taliban or Jahilan, act and how they make an attempt of murder a daughter of soil, khan sahib in a program with syed tallat hussain you answered him that your party have members in KPK in tribal area.  During T.V. Interview with Tallat, you said that want that I give a statement against Taliban and endanger all my party men, khan sahib if you don’t have courage to say truth in front of your country fellow then how can we believe that you will talk fearlessly in UN regarding drone?, Adding I must say that talking against Taliban or Jahilan is unsaved due to your party workers then how can you enforce all nation on the brink of war when you said that you will hit drone by your air force, I must say that Imran Khan kindly step in the shoes of National leader not as leader of PTI, Imran Khan sahib, the culprit of Malala is still in sawat and we are facing a war (gorilla war). infect you are unable to find enemy then you have to dependent on intelligence report, when you find your target then you try to crush him by un identified ways and by unidentified means and the whole operations are working under unusual methods.

Imran khan sahib Taliban or Jahilan, give threat to that girl (Malala) that if she survives even then we would attack on her and kill her, khan sahib before everything kindly say to Taliban or jahilan, don’t do this, engage them in some negotiations and if you get success then you have a right to say stop drone attacks in these areas and if not, then what were your aims then?.

Khan sahib it is very much easy that take some analysts with you and manipulate in some talk shows like regarding your Waziristan Aman March some analysts said that there were 25000 cars and jeeps are in the March and almost 100000 person participated in this march, while BBC said that there were 1300 to 1400 motor vehicles and 18 to 20 thousand persons, along with that from tank ultimately Pak Army denied to shoulder responsibility of security due to which you decided not to move further, if you had faith in them (Taliban or Jahilan) then you must move forward and should access and approach your destination, Khan sahib you talked about Romani the American Presidential candidate, that he said Drones are the tools not the policy and you claimed that he is against the drone attacks but if you see from the other side, he also accepted the drone as a tool, and further more he also emphasized said that operation by foot, and boots on the ground is must, withdrawal from Afghanistan is not the final decision, I seek to know your view point on that, you said that we will launch operation in these areas, I want to ask that you want body bags or coffins of your own Army personals rather than theirs?.

With these drone attacks, your claim is this that the targets which US focus to achieve are less than 2 percent, rest of the other are civilians while US calls it collateral damage. It’s very much unfortunate  that in the hate of drone we ignore the killings of our citizens by Taliban or Jahilan, we never condemn them on their act, if they want to hit US, then why don’t they move across the border and attack on NATO forces or on US personals, in which capacity they target our Military installations our civilians or children, first of all stop it and bring peace and rest in your own country then we will be able to say the acts by the other country are not justified otherwise your move and Taliban’s statement by their spokesmen Ehsnullah Ehsan just one day before the Aman March (“ Taliban are not so price less that they give protection to this aman march, imran and nawaz are favorites to west so they are not in favor of us, with whom  we are attach we can’t tell anyone now”.) we must say the 2 sides of the same coin, I beg on the name of god plz stop Hippocratic behavior in Waziristan.

Now we move to the next step, you never propose  any  solution for  addressing  taliban or jahilan, why do you focus only to  criticize nawaz sharif and molana fazl-ur-rehman aman march by yourself, it is very stunning that now you have  announced to approach united nations on 26th october,what would impact with   your  signature movement, these things are good and effective also but in these societies where  moral grounds are ultra high?, in this case, Taliban , American and NATO are playing on moral grounds as  both seem to an on false grounds. some scholars opine that  you are being  used by both, they support their argument  that  aman march couldn’t been accomplished unless  military  took responsibility of security|? Evidently, you could not recognize any group as your enemy or friend?, even the  government still could not  established its writ? This condemnable  attack at  Malala and  other girls create a message to our security forces whether  Talibans  are  really unbeatable or they are with American policies and its  ultimate  situation is drone? Regarding drone and its significance or drone as  a false option,  I  had discussed it in my other article.  Now I only want to make a request to government and law enforcement agencies, kindly pay attention to every child every school-going girl so any other dismal incident may not happen again.  I wish that our High authorities will also pay attention towards the other two girls. Most significantly, the donors who want to donate only for Malala as symbol should establish a trust in the name of Malala.all donations should use in education, health and other welfare sectors. We should also strive to change the mindset of the locals.

Thirdly,we must  condemn this state within state mind-set of these non state actors,their  so-called self- interpretation of shariat. Finally, I implore Imran Khan mobilize your youth to eliminate this absurd mind-set and approach of Taliban. 

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Thursday, October 11, 2012

TTP Release News to Media About Mala

TTP successfully targeted Malala Yousafzai in Mingora, although she was young and a girl and TTP does not believe in attacking on women, but whom so ever leads  campaign against Islam & Shariah is Ordered to be killed by Shariah.

When its a matter of Shariah, and someone tries to bring fitnah with his/her activities, and it involves in leading a campaign against shariah and tries to involve whole community in such campaign, and that personality become a symbol of anti shariah campaign, not just its allowed to kill such person but its Obligatory in Islam.

If anyone Argues about her so young age , then the Story of Hazrat Khizar in Quran that relates that Hazrat Khizar while Traveling with Prophet Musa (AS)  killed a child, arguing about the reason of his killing he said that the parents of this child are Pious and in future he will cause bad name for them.

If anyone argues that she was female, then  we can see the incident of killing of wife by a blind Companion of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W) because she use to say insultive words for prophet.And prophet praised this act.

Its a clear command of shariah that any female, that by any means play role in war against mujahideen, should be killed.Malala Yousafzai was playing a vital role in bucking up the emotions of Murtad army and Government of Pakistan, and was inviting muslims to hate mujahideen.

Tehrik taliban's crime wasn't that they banned education for girls, instead our crime is that we tried to bring Education system for both boys and girls under shariah.We are deadly against co-education and secular education syestem, and shriah orders us to be against it.
If anyone thinks thinks that Malala is targeted because of education, that's absolutely wrong, and a propaganda of Media, Malala is targeted because of her pioneer role in preaching secularism and so called enlightened moderation. And whom so ever will commit so in future too will be targeted again by TTP.

After this incident Media pour out all of its smelly propaganda against Taliban mujahideen with their poisonous tounges, they are shouting that malala has suffered tyranny like there is no else in the country whom is facing same.Were our sister in lal masjid whom were bombed, gassed and burnt to death, were not humans?? and the sinless women and children of swat , bajour, mohmand, orakzai, & Wazeeristan whom suffered inhumane bombardments by Murtad army don't qualify to bestow mercy upon them?

Will the blind media pay any attention to Hundreds of Respectful sisters whom are in secret detention centers of ISI and MI and suffering by their captives? Will you like to put an eye on more then three thousand young men whom are killed in secret detention centers and their bodies are found in different areas of swat, claimed to be killed in encounters and died by Cardiac Arrest?? Gain Conscious,  Otherwise............

From: Ihsan-ullah-Ihsan

Central Spokesman TTP